Thursday, March 3, 2011

Nora's First Haircut

Getting a haircut is not easy for me. I go through "hair remorse" like you wouldn't believe. It's one of the may ways I am crazy quirky. ;) And I found out recently that I am not much better about Nora's hair.

So when the time came to get Nora's first haircut, I thought it might be easier on all of us to try this place. It was a bit of a drive, but I heard a few good things about it and I thought it would be worth it (it was.)

The place is pretty neat. Nora got sit sit in an elevated Barbie Jeep and watch "Elmo in Grouchland". Watching a movie did not deter her from being wiggly, but she did OK.

She didn't cry at all (I didn't either, if you want to know) but she also did not want this lady to touch her and kept trying to move her head. The stylist was very worried that she wasn't cutting straight. In the end, it all worked out.

We got the "First Time Haircut" package, which included a picture and a cute picture frame. She wouldn't smile at the camera, but she was pretty happy to be done. :)

This is the best pic I could get of the cut today. Someone's not in a picture-taking mood. ;)
Until next time . . .

1 comment:

Jadrien said...

Cute. Such special memories. :)
They did a good job with her haircut!