Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Summer Bucket List Post Twelve - Meet Daddy for Lunch

Meet Daddy for Lunch - CHECK!

Wow. My husband has been working at Boeing for about 8 years. That makes me more than a little ashamed to say that up until this week I had never been there . . . not that I could go in anyway (but - still!)

This week I took Nora up to Boeing to the "Prologue Room" so that she could get a feel for the kind of work her daddy does. The Prologue Room is just that - a big room with models of all the Boeing aircraft and space craft inside. It's not a big trip, so we decided to see if Cory could come have lunch with us as well while we were there.

Nora did a great job in the Room. She loved walking around and looking at all the different airplanes. Her favorite was probably the 787 - because it was "the prettiest blue airplane" she has ever seen. :) I told her about the different planes that daddy has worked on, and we climbed up the stairs to see inside a model space craft.

The room took us about 30-45 minutes to tour. Here are the photos we took:


Checking out the rocket . . .

Posing with the large and small scale models of daddy's aircraft.

Not ready to let daddy go back to work after lunch.

Until next time . . .

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