Sunday, June 5, 2011

Summer Time . . .

Sorry for the long blog absence! I have no excuse except I have not had anything really interesting that I felt like blogging about. Let me update you on what's been going on around here before I do a lame, photo-intensive filler-post. :)

Last weekend was Memorial Day weekend, and we went camping with the in-laws. It was great! While we were camping we went to Cory's cousin's wedding, and we all had a good time. Nora ended up getting sick that week with hand, foot, and mouth and then right after that she got sick with a cold. But in the midst of it all, Cory and I did have the opportunity to have a great date night. We took a long motorcycle ride on a beautiful evening, and stopped for ice cream as well. Then this past weekend was our Community Yard Sale. It did not go well because it was the hottest day so far this year - just miserable!! Hardly anyone showed up, so Cory and I called it quits over an hour early, packed everything up, shipped it to Goodwill, then went to get some lunch.

And now you are up-to-date. :)

I thought I would give you an idea of what summer time is like around here. It's a bit slower for me since I happen to watch a lot of teacher's kids. So here's what it looks like:

Trips to the various parks in the area:

Playing outside in the shade:

Staying cool in the backyard inflatable pool:

Water play:

Eating ice with Mimi when she comes to visit (this is how the ice-addiction began folks):


Also, some pics from 2010 that give you an idea of what to expect this summer:

Lots of camping:

At least one Cardinals game:

Ice Cream . . .

. . . and watermelon! (LOTS!!)

Watching fireworks with mommy while daddy keeps everyone safe on the dam:

. . . and on and on! :) I could post sooo many more pics. We also plan to make many trips to the beach by our house, hit up at least one Grizzlies game, and do many field trips and playgroups with the MOMS Club. Should be a great summer!

Until next time . . . (I am putting up my summer decor this week. :) )

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