Behavior-wise, Nora is still as charismatic and happy as she has ever been. What a wonderful child!! She LOVES to color and has recently become very intent about it, spending lots of time on most of her pictures:
This is her first real "drawing". She told me it was "a robot", complete with "head, body, legs" (lots of them), and "two eyes". I was so impressed when she drew this!

She also continues to love to sing, play, and listen to music. Her favorite songs right now are "Old Mac Donald", "Mingo" (Bingo), and "Wheels on the Bus". She also loves to listen to the Laurie Berkner Band Greatest Hits CD, and requests for mommy to sing those songs to her! :) Perhaps the funniest thing Nora has been doing is "singing" instrumental songs that she hears. She will start with "Dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-da-dunnnnn . . . " and go from there. She even sings the "runs" of the songs, and it's just so darn funny! I am making it my mission to get a video of her doing this. :)
She also has a new friend this month:
This was my Phi-Bear in college, and Nora has commissioned it to be her new BFF. She calls it her "baby bear" and must sleep with it every night. I am very proud. :)
She continues to talk very well. Her are some of this month's "Nora-isms":
Tell her "No way!" she responds with "Yeah no way!"
"Seed you later!"
She consistently calls toilet paper "newspaper"
Very concerned about our feelings: "Momma, you happy?", "Daddy, you sad?"
Says "hair bones" instead of "hair bows"
sun-cwasses (Sunglasses)
"Hey mom!" (Cory and I got shortened to mom and dad this month, instead of mommy and daddy.)
She also introduces herself to everyone and everything (cats, dolls, etc.): "Hi, I'm Nora!"
She also loves to watch Blue's Clues, and it's really cute to hear her refer to the notebook as the "Supery-Dupery Handy Dandy Notebook" :) (She loved the one I made her, by the way!) She pretends to talk to "Steve" on the phone, and consistently says "Wet's fink!" (Let's think!)

She is potty trained now, and continues to do very well. I can count on one hand the number of pee accidents she has had this month, which is great! She has also made really good progress in learning to share her toys. Her buddy -E- has been a really good sport in helping Nora learn. :) -E- is such a kind friend and has taught Nora a lot!
We started going over more sight words and letter sounds this month. Nora knows quite a lot of letter sounds! She's on track to be reading at a very early age, so we will see how she does. She continues to love books and we read a LOT (which I am over-the-moon about.) :)
I think that's about it for now! Have a good week all. Until next time . . .
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