Sorry this post is late. Been dealing with a sick kid (and semi-sick me) all day long.
I. LOVE. THIS. CHALLENGE!! SOOO MUCH. I love it because of three reasons:
1.) I am giving almost entirely homemade gifts this year.
2.) I love to see gifts that others are making and wish I could make them.
3.) See reasons one and two.
So I obviously can't show off a whole lot of things that I made, BUT some will be showcased. Be warned. If you are a close relative, might want to skip reading this post for a few weeks.
First of all: the food. Let me just tell you something: you (really do, sincerely) wish that YOU were MY neighbor. The reason that you wish this is because my street is awesome . . . and also because I like to make food for my neighbors and give it as gifts. This year, the bags of food will include the following:
*A jar of homemade applesauce or apple pie filling.
*The white chocolate peanut butter cookies I mentioned in a previous post
*Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge
*White Chocolate Peanut Bark
*Apple Cinnamon Muffins
*Little gifts for the kids from Nora
*A handmade card
See? You wish you lived on my street.
Now I will go ahead and share some of the handcrafted items. I recently learned this year how to make jewelry, so I am giving away some jewelry as gifts:
Also, because of the new jewelery thing I am able to make wine charms, so I made a few of those too. (Sorry, no pictures. I wrapped those up already.)
I also learned to hand embroider thanks to this website that Kim over at Newlywoodwards shared, and I made something similar to an item that we sell in the AtHome America Holiday Catalog (although I cannot find the link to it at the moment):
This shelf pillow is a neat decorative piece that I had never considered until I made one myself! :) Love it, and I hope the person I made it for likes it too.
I also got busy this week on making an advent calendar:
I wanted one for Nora (and potentially future children), so I decided to make one this year (even though I was fairly sure there would be no way I could finish by December 1st.) I made this one to go on the fridge, which is kind of funny because I will likely not put it on the fridge - I will probably buy a cookie sheet or something to stick it on and hang it up! Anyway, this one is based off "The Grinch" and Max the dog. (Side note: Max the dog is one of my all-time favorite cartoon characters ever.)
I am thinking of making more advent calendars out of baby food jars for next year for other people. Unless anyone wants a million baby food jars! Ha ha . . .
Until next time . . .
EDIT: the shelf pillow I was copying looks something like the one in this photo.
1 comment:
Oh my goodness, Leah> This is amazing. What great gifts! I totally wish I lived on your street.
I adore the hand stitched pillow. It's amazing and now I think I have to try it. You've inspired me. I've not done much stitching this year. It's very therapeutic, no?
Also loving the advent. So fun! What will you put inside?
Hope you all feel better soon. Thanks for linking!
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