"Hey mom."
"Hey Nora?"
"I gotta REALLY REALLY snack." (no typos there at all)
"You do huh?"
. . .
"Hey mom."
"Hey Nora?"
"You do? Where?"
"I see something yellow! Look at all the colors!"
"Yeah! Cool!"
. . .
"Hey mom."
"Hey Nora?"
"Can I listen to my songs?"
"Yep, hold on a sec."
"(sings a few lines then stops and hides her face with her hands) . . . Where is me?? *Giggle* . . . Hey mom."
"Hey Nora?"
. . .
"Hey mom."
"My goldfish are yellow!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An actual conversation with Nora:
Mommy sits down at the table for breakfast with toast with Nutella.
Nora asks: "Mommy, what you eating?"
"Toast, you want a bite?"
"No . . . it's too muddy."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An example of Nora's prayers before bedtime each night (edited without the time delay that is usually involved at bedtime):
"Alright Nora, let's talk to God."
"I wanna say 'Dear God'."
"Deeeeeeeeeear God! . . . "
"What would you like to say to God tonight?"
"Thank you for mommy . . . and daddy . . . and Nora."
"Would you like to ask God for anything?"
"I ask God for a baby brother."
"OK, sounds good to me, although we would take a sister if we got one! Is there anything else you want to say to God?"
"A baby sister . . . I want to say Blake."
"OK then go ahead and ask God to please bless Blake."
"Please bwess Blake!"
"How about we ask God to bless all your family? And your friends too?"
"Where's Baby Stell?" (that is Baby Stella, nicknamed!)
"Nora, let's finish talking to God first. Do you want to tell God that you are sorry for hitting -E- today?"
" . . . No."
"I think you should tell God you are sorry. When you hit -E- it hurt her."
"Ok, sorry God for hit my friends."
"Anything else? (this is usually where the delaying begins, so I wrap it up! lol) . . . No? . . . OK, well then God we thank you for listening to Nora's prayers, In Jesus' name, AAAA-"
"I want to say Amen!"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And that's our little Nora. :)
Until next time . . .
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