The week before last was the week of the Fourth of July (which I posted about). Besides our usual playgroups and MOMS Club stuff that went on that week, it was also a week where my dad came to visit, I had my first produce co-op delivery, and Nora started Gymnastics at the YMCA. Plus I was in prep-mode for the following week, in which I volunteered in the two's room for Kids Bible Kamp (KBK) at my church. Also the weekend after KBK, we had company, had Cory's Birthday BBQ at our house, went to see Harry Potter, went to a winery, and a birthday party. Whew! It was a lot to have on our platter. I thought I would do one extensive entry about all of it, so here you go! Forgive the book-length of this post:
MOMS Club Stuff
Nora woke up from a cranky 4th of July ready to head to a water playgroup at a friend's house. She got to slide on a slip-n-slide for the first time and LOVED it! We also did an Art Camp that week, and Nora got to finger paint, do salt art, color with markers, use dabbers, decorate a cupcake, paint a flower pot, make a pizza, and much more! This camp was right up her alley. Probably the most important thing she got to do there was . . . discover her love for playing in shaving cream! lol She had such a good time.
Slip-n-slide . . .

Dad's Visit/Co-op Food Delivery
Dad came to visit and play with Nora last Wednesday. We also went to dinner at 54th Street. And, I know you all are wondering: did we actually USE all that produce we got in the co-op delivery? And the answer is . . . mostly. If I had a less-busy week and we were home a little more, I can guarantee that we would have definitely used it all.
Gymnastics at the YMCA
This is the highlight of Nora's week. SHE. LOOOOOVES. GYMNASTICS! We are doing a mom/tot time one for now, where we go in, sing some songs, get some free play time where they assist the kids if needed, sing "Ring Around the Rosie" (Nora's new favorite song), and then get a stamp on their hand or foot. Nora's excitement level goes up the minute we walk in the door! (In fact I have no pictures because she would have to stop for two seconds in order for me to get some!)
Last Monday-Thursday from about 8 A.M. - 12:45 P.M., I was the point leader in the two's room for KBK. Nora was supposed to be in the one year old room, but she ended up jumping over to my class. We got there each day and did some free play, Bible stories and a craft, went swimming in the kiddie pools outside, had a snack, played on riding/push toys in the large church atrium, watched a Veggie Tales movie, ate some lunch, and did a little more free play until it was time to go home. It was fun, but exhausting! Thursday Nora, her Mimi, and I all went to the KBK Carnival, and Nora enjoyed playing her first carnival games. It was an awesome week!!!!!!!!
Nora was quite the little monkey at KBK! :)
Philip Coming/Cory's Birthday BBQ
Thursday evening Cory went to pick up our good friend Philip to spend the weekend here. He was able to help us set up for Cory's Birthday BBQ, which was probably fun for everyone! lol I say that because Nora did not nap well that day, and I had a hard time with her that evening. But things eventually worked out, as things usually seem to do. :)

Harry Potter/Winery
The next day I went to see Harry Potter with some friends. Yes, I am about to talk about it, so don't read this part if you haven't seen it! I really LOVED IT. I didn't like how they left out the part about what happened to the son of Tonks and Remus, and I found the end on the train platform a little unbelievable seeing as how they used the same characters to play themselves nearly twenty years later. However, after saying that - I am also kind of glad they did that as well because that seems the way it should be! lol After the movie we went to the Grafton Winery and the Aeries Winery, which were both very nice places. The Aeries Winery had an amazing view of the rivers coming together!
My sister and some of her in-laws . . .
Mason's 2nd Birthday
After church on Sunday, I went to pick up Nora at Mason's 2nd birthday party. Nora enjoyed herself a LOT - and they let us swim in their pool after the party! It was Nora and Mason's first chance to officially try out their new "Puddle Jumper" life jackets that I bought them, which is a VERY NEAT little learn-to-swim PFD. They both did really well in them! They are nice because your child can stay upright in the water, and swim and float somewhat independently. And since my little girl's favorite sentence is "ME DO IT!" . . .
So that's what we have been up to! I enjoyed the last two weeks immensely, but I am also glad they are over! :)
On an entirely unrelated note, looky what I picked up from the flea market before the 4th of July:
If you are thinking that they look familiar, let me show you why. :) To be continued!
Until next time . . .
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