My hobbies are pretty straightforward: being crafty, making jewelry, reading, cooking. I don't always have time to do all these, but they all get done to some degree at some point.
Cory's hobby is playing video games. I would also say working out and looking into being healthy is a hobby for him. He wants to be as healthy as possible, but his will power gets the best of him sometimes. However, I would also say, his willpower is stubborn as heck sometimes! Take mowing the lawn for example:
The guy will not buy a riding lawnmower, or even take a used one when it's offered to him for free. He wants to get the exercise from push-mowing. He's nuts like that. :) lol
Nora's hobbies? . . . The same as any toddler's hobbies really. Reading books with mommy, testing her limits, dancing to music, etc.
Until next time . . .
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