Cutting mat and rotary cutter - WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN ALL MY LIFE?!?!?!?!! Cutting fabric was so easy, I was actually in shock and had to sit down afterward. I had enough time to not only cut fabric, but sit down afterward. That never happens.
Anyway, having fabric cut almost to exact right angles gave me the courage to try a harder sewing project. I am sure most of you on Pinterest have seen this pin. I was actually thinking of doing this in my bathroom with fabric storage baskets I saw that you could purchase online, but I decided recently to just try to sew some instead:
I made the bag in just an hour with a drawstring bag tutorial I found online (so that way if I ever want to, I can take it off the hoop, and just thread a ribbon through the holes to use it as a drawstring bag.) I think it turned out pretty cute! I am going to get an embroidery hoop for it this week and hang it from the towel bar in our bathroom to catch Nora's hair stuff.
I also made this sign because baseball season is right around the corner, plus I like the quote:
I haven't gotten out my spring decor yet, but when I do this stays! Baseballllllllllllllll . . . :)
I swear - I really was sick this weekend!
Until next time . . .